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“]SIMEP aims to establish itself as a preferred diversified mining, engineering and project management company, providing excellent and quality service to its clients.[gap]Take a Tour →[/iconbox][/one_third]
[one_third][iconbox icon=”work” title=”Mission”]To provide sustainable and high standard solutions to meet our client’s expectations and approval. The company is committed to applying innovative practices through professional work ethics,[gap]Take a Tour →[/iconbox][/one_third]
[one_third_last][iconbox icon=”info” title=”Social Responsibility”]At SIMEP we recognize our responsibilities as corporate citizens and continually work to develop shared value with our customers, suppliers, employees and communities.[gap]Take a Tour →[/iconbox][/one_third_last]
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[one_half_last][separator headline=”h3″ title=”Why Choose Us?”][accordion open=”1″]
[accordion-item title=”CORE” icon=”music”]The core of who we are and what we do is fundamentally driven to achieve excellence in everything we do[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”GOAL” icon=”star”]We ask and we listen to what our clients need to succeed[/accordion-item]
[accordion-item title=”DELIVERY”]Through our expertise, experience and resources, combined with our absolute commitment to excellence and our clients’ needs, we deliver the optimum solution to achieve their success[/accordion-item]